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The Lay of the Last Minstrel # 27428   [Forlagsband]
Walter Scott

The Lay of the Last Minstrel # 27428
Our Price: 49.500 kr.
When dispatched: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Language: Enska
Condition: Ágćtt eintak í snjáđu skinnbandi. Alţjóđlegt fágćti.
Product no.: #27428

The Lay of the Last Minstrel, A Poem by Walter Scott, Esq. The sixt edition.

The way was long, the wind was cold,
The Minstrel was infirm and old;
His wither'd cheek, and tresses gray,
Seem'd to have known a better day;
The harp, his sole remaining joy,
Was carried by an orphan boy.
The last of all the Bards was he,
Who sung of Border chivalry;
For, welladay! their date was fled,
His tuneful brethren all were dead;
And he, neglected and oppress'd,
Wish'd to be with them, and at rest.
No more on prancing palfrey borne,
He caroll'd, light as lark at morn;
No longer courted and caress'd,
High placed in hall, a welcome guest,
He pour'd, to lord and lady gay,
The unpremeditated lay:
Old times were changed, old manners gone;
A stranger filled the Stuarts' throne;
The bigots of the iron time
Had call'd hs harmless art a crime.
A wandering Harper, scorn'd and poor,
He begg'd his bread from door to door.
And timed, to please a peasant's ear,
The harp, a king had loved to hear.

Ágćtt eintak í snjáđu skinnbandi. Alţjóđlegt fágćti.

Product details:
London. Printed for Longmann, Hurst, Rees and Orme, Paternoster-Row and A. Constable and Co. Edinburgh; By James Ballantyne & Co. Edinbungh 1807.


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