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Saga Jóns Espólíns hins fróđa og Saga Magnúsar Prúđa # 79902
Saga Jóns Espólíns hins fróđa og Saga Magnúsar Prúđa # 79902
39.500 kr.
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A History of the Cheyenne People # 2809   [Kilja]
Tom Weist

A History of the Cheyenne People # 2809
Our Price: 3.900 kr.
When dispatched: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Language: Enska
Condition: Gott eintak.
Product no.: #2809

A History of the Cheyenne People by Tom Weist.
Sögu ţessarar merku ţjóđar gerđ skil í máli og myndum.
Well illustrated in b&w with historic photographs, plus thirteen maps. From the introduction: two themes dominate the text. First, that the Cheyennes were traditionally a peace loving people; their history is essentially the story of a particular group who, faced with a variety of problems tried to deal with them to the best of their ability. When pressured by other tribes and the later encroachments of the white man, they could and did fight exceedingly well; however they never were the militant super-warriors portrayed by Hollywood and sensational writers. A second major theme is the remarkable story of how, during a period of less than 350 years, the Cheyennes were able to adjust to different environments and adapt to what where essentially four different ways of life -- as hunters and fishermen living on the shores of lakes in the northern woodlands, as planters living in earth lodge villages on the Minnesota, Sheyenne and Missouri rivers, as mounted buffalo hunters in the Black Hills and on the Great Plains, and their more recent years on the reservation. The basic outline of the history follows periods recognized by older Cheyennes: the Ancient Time, The Time of the Dogs, the Time of the Buffalo, and The Time of the Horse.

Product details:
Billings, Montana: Montana Council for Indian Education 1977. 227 bls.


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