Contents: Religious Tracts, dispresed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. In Twelve Volumes. Þetta er þá 11. bindi þessa mikla verks. Og inniheldur. * The Duty of Paying Custom, and the Sinfullness og Importing Goods Clandestinely, and of Buying the Goods that are so imported. A New Edition. London, 1792. * An Exhoration to Chastity. A New Edition. London, 1787. * The Husbandman´s Manual; Directing him how to improve the several Actions of his Calling, and the most usual Occurrences of his Life, to the Glory og God, and the Benefit of his Soul. London, 1791. * Motives and Encouragements to Bear Afflictions patiently; to Rejoice under them, ant to be Thankful for them. London, 1787. * A Present for Servants from their Ministers Masters og other Friends. London, 1787. * The Public-Housekeeper´s Monitor; Being a Serjous Admonition th the Masters and Mistresses of those commonly called Public-Houses, Of what Kind and Denomination sover. A New Edition, Correctrd. London, 1781. * The Duty and Pleasure of Praise and Thanksgiving. By Henry Scqugal, A.M. London, 1770. * The Seaman´s Monitor, or Advice to Sea-faring men, With Reference to their Behavior, Before in and after their Voyage. With Prayers for their Use. Also an Address to the Officers and Sea-men in His Majesty´s Royal Navy. With a Caution to prosane Swearers, and a sensonable Admonition against Mutiny and Piracy. By Josiah Woodward, D.D. London, 1792. * The Soldier´s Monitor; Being Serious Advice to Soldiers, To behave themselves with a just Regards to Religion and true Manhood. London, 1776. * The Young Man´s Monitor; Shewing The Great Happiness of Early Piety, and the Dreadful Consequences of Indulging Youthful Lusts. By Josiah Woodward D.D. London 1788. Þetta er mikið og merkilegt rit þar sem allar helstu reglur um hegðan og hugsun eru settar fram með kristilegu hugarfari. Og bókin hefur töluvert verið handleikin, hún er laus í bandinu og þarfnast aðeins viðgerðar. En góður og gagnlegur gripur.