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Tíđindi frá amtsfundinum á Akureyri 12.-17. júlí 1858 # 84707
Tíđindi frá amtsfundinum á Akureyri 12.-17. júlí 1858 # 84707
39.500 kr.
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The importance of Java# 60461   [Innbundin]
H. M. de Vries

The importance of Java# 60461
Our Price: 39.500 kr.
When dispatched:
Language: Enska
Condition: Gott eintak, forlagsband. Bókmerki Sveins Björnssonar forseta.
Product no.: #60461

The importance of Java, seen from the air. A book devoted to the interests of the island of Java . Edited and Compiled by H. M. de Vries, Journalist.
With the co-operation af the Military Air Force, the State Railways, the Municipalites and numerous private concerns.
Air-photographs by the Military Air Force.
Text by the Editor with the assistance of data supplied by the Department og Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, the Central Statistical Bureau and the Chambers of Commerce.
Translated by H. J. Bridge.
Gott eintak í forlagsbandi. Gjöf frá sendiherra dana og íslendinga á Jövu til Sveins Björnssonar sendiherra íslendinga í Danmörku. Bókmerki Sveins Björnssonar prýđir bókina. (Mynd sem fylgir er samsett).

Product details:
Published by H. M. de Vries. Printed by G. Kolff & co. Batavia. 1928.


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