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The Vinland map and the Tartar relation # 17016   [Forlagsband]
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The Vinland map and the Tartar relation # 17016
Our Price: 9.500 kr.
When dispatched: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Language: Enska
Condition: Ágćtt eintak
Product no.: #17016

The Vinland map and the Tartar relation by R. A. Skelton, Thomas E. Marston, and George D. Painter for the Yale University Library with a foreword by Alexander O. Vietor.
The manuscript map and text were copied about 1440 by an unknown scribe from lost earlier originals. The first is a world map, including the Western Ocean, with representations of Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland; the second is an account, written in 1247 by an unidentified friar who called himself C. de Bridia, of Carpini’s mission to the Mongols in 1245-47. The manuscript: history and description / T. E. Marston. - Facsimiles of the Vinland map and the Tartar relation. - The Tartar relation, editied, with introduction, translation and commentary / G. D. Painter. - The Vinland map / R. A. Skelton. - The Tartar relation and the Vinland map: an interpretation / G. D. Painter.

Product details:
New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 1965. xii, 291 , [30] mbls., [2] kortabl. br. : teikn., kort, ritsýni, uppdr. ; 30 cm.


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