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Gunnar Gunnarsson.
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Heilsa og lífsstíll.
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Skáldverk, ţýdd.
Sérprent úr Bókum, Blöđum og Tím
Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla.
Tímarit - Dagblöđ.
Tónlist - Hljómplötur - Nótur.
Trúmál og andleg málefni.
Vesturheims prent.
Vísindi og tćkni.
Ţjóđhćttir-Ţjóđlegur fróđleikur.
Ţjóđsögur og ćvintýri.
Ţórbergur Ţórđarson
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Bćkur á Ensku.
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Ýmislegt skrítiđ og skemmtilegt
Gjafabréf Bókarinnar.
Nýtt! meira
Saga Jóns Espólíns hins fróđa og Saga Magnúsar Prúđa # 79902
Saga Jóns Espólíns hins fróđa og Saga Magnúsar Prúđa # 79902
39.500 kr.
Um okkur
Hafđu samband

Sounds Icelandic # 66006   [Forlagsband]
Ýmsir höfundar

Sounds Icelandic # 66006
Verđ: 4.900 kr.
Afgreiđslutími: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Tungumál: Enska
Ástand: Gott eintak.
Vörunúmer: #66006

Sounds Icelandic. Essays on Icelandic music in the 20th and 21st centuries. Edited by Ţorbjörg Daphne Hall, Nicola Dibben, Árni Heimir Ingólfsson and Tony Mitchell.
Over the past 25 years, Icelandic music has been gaining considerable international attention. This is attested to by the international success of such acts as the Sugarcubes, and then Björk as a solo artist, followed by the worldwide success of Sigur Rós, and more recently Of Monsters and Men. And these artists reveal themselves to be ‘the tip of the iceberg’, once one delves further into the music of Iceland and the myriad of genres that thrive there. That such a small country can produce so much music of quality, value and acclaim is a fascinating situation that has boosted Icelandic tourism and made the country the ‘hippest’ place in the world. This is a book of wide-ranging essays on different aspects of Icelandic music, from the ancient traditional chants of rímur to the large output of classical music by nationalist composer Jón Leifs and others, to the plethora of Icelandic rock and pop groups that have already made an impact on the world as well as more idiosyncratic and genre-bending musicians now emerging from the Reykjavik music scene.

Um bókina
Sheffield, UK. Bristol, CT. Equinox Publishing, 2019.


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Icelandic English

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