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Across the Top of the World # 67068   [Forlagsband, kápa]
James P. Delgado

Across the Top of the World # 67068
Our Price: 3.900 kr.
When dispatched: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Language: Enska
Condition: Gott eintak.
Product no.: #67068

Across the Top of the World. The Quest for the Northwest Passage. By James P. Delgado.
The centuries-long quest for the fabled Northwest Passage rivals the story of Antarctic exploration for heroism, drama, and tragedy. Expedition after expedition set off in search of a sea route connecting Europe with Asia's riches; each expedition suffered extreme hardship and ended in defeat, until Roald Amundsen finally succeeded in 1903-06. Across the Top of the World brings this incredible saga to life through exhaustive research, grim firsthand accounts, and hundreds of dramatic images. Paintings, engravings, and photos of the intrepid men and their ships, as well as of relics and archaeological sites, provide a poignant and compelling link with the past, while landscapes and seascapes of the harsh yet beautiful Arctic illustrate the challenges that faced explorers. Covering all the major expeditions in detail, and written with passion and authority, this book is both a scholarly reference and an eminently readable history of Arctic exploration.

Product details:
Checkmark Books, 1999.


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