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Life Magazine. Februar 8, 1943 # 84011   [Óbundin]

Life Magazine. Februar 8, 1943 # 84011
Our Price: 4.900 kr.
When dispatched: 1-3 dagar, að jafnaði.
Language: Enska
Condition: Gott eintak.
Product no.: #84011

Life Magazine. Februar 8, 1943.
Charming full page color Forstmann woolen company ad with little Chinese girl collecting aid money. Neat full page Armour ad with soldier in uniform "No soldier in the world gets better care ..." Charming half page Vimms ad with man and woman ice skating - vitamins and minerals. Full page Heinz Condiments ad that is all about the Peter Lindler family of Euclid, Ohio - lots of photos! Red Cross entertains servicemen in England - photo essay, including photos of Gladys Martin, Henrine Ward, Magnolia Latimer, Mary Alice Sturdevant, Lillian Tifft, Patricia Hartnett and others. . President Roosevelt in North Africa. Heavy storm shuts Seattle war plants. Nice full page color Camel cigarettes ad with Patricia Garner, airport ground crew staff. Libya is overrun. Movie "Air Force." Coffee piles up in Brazil for lack of US ships. Pacific mission part III by Rickenbacker. Marjorie Lawrence. Sweden's Gunder Hagg is track star of a century. Otto Fischer paints the war of the frigid North Atlantic. Roseland Ballroom-Cafe in New York City, numerous photos of dancers, sleeveless gowns forbidden. Patriotic full page color Grace Line, American Merchant Marine ad with V for Victory. Cute photo of tiny Ann Carolyn Turner (Van Buren, Arkansas) in the pocket of her Daddy's coat as he goes hunting. Full page color Chesterfield cigarettes ad with manly U.S. Maine Raiders.


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