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Im Dunkelsten Afrika # 45203   [Forlagsband]
Henry M. Stanley

Im Dunkelsten Afrika # 45203
Our Price: 19.500 kr.
When dispatched: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Language: Ţýska
Condition: Góđ og falleg eintök, myndir og kort heil og góđ.
Product no.: #45203

Im Dunkelsten Afrika, Aufluchung, Rettung und Rukkug Emin Pascha´s, Gouverneurs der Aequatorialprovinz. Von Henry M. Stanley.
Autorisicte Deutsche Ausgabe.
Mit 150 Abbildungen und 3 karten.
First German edition, translated from the English by H. von Wobeser. This narrative is from Stanley's last African expedition. He travelled up the Congo River and crossed central Africa in command of a relief expedition for Emin Pasha. He explored the Semliki River and made European discovery of the Ruwenzori Range and completed the journey in Zanzibar in 1889. The facismile letter is only included in the German edition.
Góđ og falleg eintök, myndir og kort heil og góđ.

Product details:
F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1890.


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