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To Have and Have Not # 27525   [Forlagsband, kápa]
Ernest Hemingway

To Have and Have Not # 27525
Verđ: 19.500 kr.
Afgreiđslutími: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Tungumál: Enska
Ástand: Gott eintak
Vörunúmer: #27525

To Have and Have Not. By Ernest Hemingway.
To Have and Have Not is a 1937 novel by Ernest Hemingway about Harry Morgan, a fishing boat captain who runs contraband between Cuba and Florida. The novel depicts Harry as an essentially good man who is forced into blackmarket activity by economic forces beyond his control. Initially, his fishing charter customer Mr. Johnson tricks Harry by slipping away without paying any of the money he owes him. Harry then makes a critical decision to smuggle Chinese immigrants into Florida to make ends meet. To continue supporting his family, Harry begins to regularly ferry different types of illegal cargo between the two countries, including alcohol and Cuban revolutionaries. The Great Depression features prominently in the novel, forcing depravity and hunger on the poor residents of Key West who are referred to as "Conchs."
To Have and Have Not is Hemingway's second novel to be set in the United States, following The Torrents of Spring. Written sporadically between 1935 and 1937, and revised as he travelled back and forth from the Spanish Civil War, To Have and Have Not is a novel about Key West and Cuba. The novel is also a social commentary on the 1930s. It was heavily influenced by Marxist ideology, as Hemingway was on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War as he was writing it. The work got a mixed critical reception.
The novel consists of two earlier short stories, "One Trip Across" and "The Tradesman's Return", which make up the opening chapters and a novella, written later, which makes up two-thirds of the book. The narrative is told from multiple viewpoints at different times by different characters and the character names are frequently supplied under the chapter headings to indicate who is narrating the chapter.

Um bókina
New York. Grosset and Dunlap 1937


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Icelandic English

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