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Gunnar Gunnarsson.
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Skáldverk, ţýdd.
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Bćkur á Ensku.
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Ýmislegt skrítiđ og skemmtilegt
Gjafabréf Bókarinnar.
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Fjórar smásögur # 81223
Fjórar smásögur # 81223
9.500 kr.
Um okkur
Hafđu samband

Iceland´s Secret # 67103   [Forlagsband, kápa]
Jared Bibler

Iceland´s Secret # 67103
Verđ: 2.900 kr.
Afgreiđslutími: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Tungumál: Enska
Ástand: Gott eintak.
Vörunúmer: #67103

Iceland´s Secret. The Untold Story of the World´s Biggest Con. By Jared Bibler.
Born in Massachusetts, Jared Bibler relocated to Iceland in 2004 only to find himself in the middle of an unprecedented financial crisis a handful of years later.
Personally wiped out and seeking to uncover the truth about a collapse that brought the pastoral country to its knees, he became the lead investigator into some of the largest financial crimes in the world. This work helped Iceland to famously become the only country to jail its bank CEOs in the wake of the 2008 crisis.
But the real story behind that headline is far more complex ― and sinister.
A decade after the investigations, the story can be told at last and in full. The crisis, barely understood inside or outside of Iceland even today, is a cautionary tale for the world: an inside look at the high crimes that inevitably follow Wild West capitalism.
With the next global financial meltdown just around the corner, this untold tale is as timely as ever.

Um bókina
Harriman House, 2021.


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Icelandic English

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