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Saga Jóns Espólíns hins fróđa og Saga Magnúsar Prúđa # 79902
Saga Jóns Espólíns hins fróđa og Saga Magnúsar Prúđa # 79902
39.500 kr.
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Diary of a Liaison Officer in Italy 1918 # 21738   [Forlagsband]
Cyril Goldsmith

Diary of a Liaison Officer in Italy 1918 # 21738
Our Price: 45.000 kr.
When dispatched: 1-3 dagar, ađ jafnađi.
Language: Enska
Condition: Gott eintak, kortiđ heilt og gott.
Product no.: #21738

Diary of a Liaison Officer in Italy 1918. By Cyril Goldsmith.
First edition.
Cyril Goldsmid, the son of Violet, 1st Baroness Goldsmid of Palmeira, was sent out from regimental duty with the Ninth Lancers in France to the Italian front in November 1917. There he joined the British HQ near the Montello, acting as liaison with the 3rd Italian Army HQ at Mogliano on the Piave Front, and later the 4th Army at Grappa. Unusual and interesting account of the Italo-British offensives in 1918.

Product details:
London, Williams and Norgate, 1920,


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